Complete, Powerful and Cost-Effective platform to build Industrial Solutions

The FrameworX™ platform is the ultimate software for creating powerful, flexible, and affordable solutions. Learn more about our solutions!

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What our customers say about us

“Tatsoft’s software platform truly enables the Industrial Internet of Things for our customers in the Oil and Gas Industry. First, the software functions as a data hub at the edge for collecting data in real-time from the drilling rig control system and then stores and forwards that data to our customers Microsoft Azure IoT data storage or OSISoft’s Pi. We also use the scripting and powerful processing at the edge to host our AI based drilling analytics and present the results graphically to the drill operators”.
“We envision FactoryStudio long-term as being the Data Hub in most enterprises. So in industry 4.0 applications, we envision a unified namespace and all hardware and software, and all users, all consumers of data are both… they’re both consumers and publishers of data into that name space. And we see FactoryStudio is that name space in the middle. For example, using both C# and VB.NET scripting, and being able to toggle back and forth between the two. No one’s ever done that, right?”
“I selected FactoryStudio from Tatsoft for the project, because of the modern technologies at its core, and my desire to get away from using old legacy products like InTouch or WinCC. I wanted to work with a really new product. KSA trusted in me to choose the right sofware to serve the purpose, and FactoryStudio greatly satisfied our needs.”